Alanna Medlock
Post: More than 3000 days here and you post tiktok,
Post: This is what tech is for...not your stupid TikTok and "smart" water bottles shit.
Post: "Many leaders" - posts single example. Zelensky was "Jewish" long before he became a president.
Post: I could never be a driving instructor. Almost divorced my wife teaching her.
Post: Cause they've designed it that way, i mean...what answer do you expect?
Post: This is some Archer levels of ricochet here. Stupid Brett.
Post: Why does she signal that she's going left and then turns right?
Post: Those would be opioids, honey
Post: The hobbit trilogy was fucking garbage... don't touch my hand.
Post: Good effort.
Post: Judging by how Adam Sandler looks on this photo, this kid is now a middle aged man
Post: “High-tech”
Post: In Sweden we just let our least favourite kid climb around up there (me as a kid)
Post: Oink oink
Post: I thought the online version died?
Post: That canal is a goner anyway. They know the question is when, not if they gonna lose it
Post: Stop being a bitch and get that hollywood brainwashing out of your head.
Post: The driver be like...
Post: Lol, stupid brainless religious baiting bitch haha.
Post: kid :- He Ugly
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