Ladyc Evabless Hayles
Post: (windows shutting down noises)
Post: Where are the prostitutes?
Post: Serius tanya, hubungannya UNICEF sama air minum apa?
Post: Meanwhile, on the other side of the front
Post: Dear Jesus... These clowns run a country? Kindergarten pupils can be more respectful
Post: I didn't expect that! That's a quite sturdy bird feeder there!
Post: Equal lefts and rights
Post: Sounds like a you problem
Post: Nobody's reading this garbage
Post: His team mate probably did the most damage by swinging his head and neck around
Post: sure thats the only reason they laugh at you OP
Post: “High-tech”
Post: Nope! Prepare to bail after season 9.
Post: Just don't go there to simp... Enjoy the city
Post: Lol, stupid brainless religious baiting bitch haha.
Post: kid :- He Ugly
Post: oy cheeky wanka yu goit a loicense to say fock on television?
Post: call 911 or what ever emergency number you have dont wait.
Post: I can see why I'd ban it, ruptured internal organs are a definite possibility.
Post: 4 so far. Hurts just as much every time.
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