HasHim Javed
Post: Serius tanya, hubungannya UNICEF sama air minum apa?
Post: I want a black panther remake with all gingers
Post: your uncle just made it up on the spot
Post: Throw away your mobile. Life will be more fun
Post: The flag is sus.
Post: List of NATO soldier casualties and losed war machines:
Post: Well then show us his peer reviewed research and pile of Nobel prizes.
Post: Actually looks awesome
Post: You look too young to be here
Post: White dudes with mustaches only represented 14% of population, yet they committed 80% of crime.
Post: “Marry me, you will.” says Yoda.
Post: Or the door of the past I have seen these forever
Post: You'll need this instead.
Post: Smoking kills
Post: Where are the prostitutes?
Post: Meanwhile, on the other side of the front
Post: Attention seeker
Post: He fingered a chick once. She died.
Post: Imagine he comes back…. it would be like putting poo back in your arse.
Post: In term of abds cancel out 3 and 7 they’re losers
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