Stephanie Holton
Post: The bird:
Post: It not Wednesday. Send him back
Post: jesus what a fucking language. even the spelling looks like it's made to emulate black metal logos
Post: Imagine if this movie came out today, along with that one, where Arnold got pregnant...
Post: Do you know where you’ll go OP?
Post: Do you know what OJ’s favorite holiday is? Thanksgiving, he likes to slice the white meat..
Post: Poor kid had his arm stuck for a week. Look at that grateful smile
Post: im not a mechanic, but that seems fucked.
Post: 2012 sucker. Eat dicks op
Post: Also some Americans "I'm 1/16th italian, so i know how to make the best Pizza!"
Post: Judging by how Adam Sandler looks on this photo, this kid is now a middle aged man
Post: Sauce please
Post: Okay, i will be the first mentioning it. Romania
Post: Good for you, Poland - not a bloodthirsty lunatic like Balkans, but thirsty enough.
Post: Un pingouin c est pas un manchot....
Post: I like him as a comedian, but never understand people chasing celebrities.
Post: Just don't go there to simp... Enjoy the city
Post: Paintball but with real bullet
Post: When somebody says a British Bird, I would imagine they'd look like this:
Post: Looks heavenly with the stars removed.
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