Kristen Youngblood
Post: Celebrity worship is ultra cringe
Post: Fau.. Fi.. Fons.
Post: "you can leave work when you finish loading the tomatoes"
Post: Unbelievable that this once was the religion of science
Post: The Beaveeeeeer!!
Post: Ok lads, that one is pretty good.
Post: Best goddamn Batman.
Post: Also some Americans "I'm 1/16th italian, so i know how to make the best Pizza!"
Post: is it sad that I found this interesting?
Post: So this is why gers ask for sauce in the comments? Truly educational purposes?
Post: Take it to Mexico. Win!
Post: “Marry me, you will.” says Yoda.
Post: Reap what you sow skank
Post: Surprise her with anal sex.
Post: Okay, i will be the first mentioning it. Romania
Post: Those retards using a shovel to dig rather than a spade. The younger generation, I tell you
Post: That canal is a goner anyway. They know the question is when, not if they gonna lose it
Post: For comparison tank obstacles in Germany 80 years later. Highest about 1,8 meters
Post: If bringing to the table means being young and a virgin 9Gagers would be of the highest value....
Post: I that AOC 's daddy?
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