Lish Oglesby
Post: well thats the point where a civil war starts isnt it?
Post: I have tenor gifs on my keyboard and im happy with it
Post: It is fine, I only date females that have a weight I can bench press. Everyone has preferences.
Post: Why is the anime thing important?
Post: Imagine if the guy taking a sh*t here was black, the comment section would be full of N references
Post: because men are so obsessed with their asses. duh.
Post: If those girls had guns this wouldn’t have happened.
Post: Didn't he lose it in a duel with a friend?
Post: Yeah and then you go and pour ketchup on it! Feck off
Post: Oh fuck off todd! We aint gona buy your BS anymore
Post: When she had a dream where you cheated
Post: Reap what you sow skank
Post: germany is fucked up.
Post: (windows shutting down noises)
Post: That heavy, depressing mood and ending, great movie.
Post: I'm saving this, thanks
Post: The driver be like...
Post: Throw some opened cans of Surstroemming in there before leaving
Post: Well said babuska, well said.
Post: Is that tune from the sonata in G minor by tartini?
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