Kay Stansberry
Post: In Sweden we just let our least favourite kid climb around up there (me as a kid)
Post: No helmets? Looks like a safe country with a lot of regulations
Post: Great now developers can make "homes" 30% smaller and charge the same price
Post: "i swear im virgin" Also her: *this post*
Post: he even tried to help her
Post: We don't speak terrorism
Post: He went from Jason Momoa to Meat Loaf
Post: 5 minutes later
Post: Congratulations you found a sniper deer
Post: I don't think this photo is real.
Post: who got this one
Post: Or the door of the past I have seen these forever
Post: Oink oink
Post: Aaragorn had a cool combo move, I miss that!
Post: What are you talking about? 😂😂🤣🤣😳😜👌😉💯 Don't you want to punch me in the face right now?
Post: Meanwhile, on the other side of the front
Post: If bringing to the table means being young and a virgin 9Gagers would be of the highest value....
Post: Throw some opened cans of Surstroemming in there before leaving
Post: Everything is fun and games until those guys show up
Post: When somebody says a British Bird, I would imagine they'd look like this:
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