Shelley Cain
Post: Rebecca please..
Post: Why is the taxrate 67%?
Post: Harder daddy
Post: Have dig bick
Post: I woder how many times they break SB neck...
Post: Well then show us his peer reviewed research and pile of Nobel prizes.
Post: When you do the math and you forget that the shape of the Earth.
Post: I would love to take a seat and have a chat with a good fellow.
Post: two and a half is hardly similar to two thousand something
Post: Jesus thought it was snakes till she stepped on it phew. No animals were harmed, that matter.
Post: It'll be fucking abysmal
Post: Judging by how Adam Sandler looks on this photo, this kid is now a middle aged man
Post: Yes! This is actually good to see :-)
Post: Mammals have mammaries. Duh.
Post: What did actually happened, cap?
Post: Where are the prostitutes?
Post: That heavy, depressing mood and ending, great movie.
Post: For comparison tank obstacles in Germany 80 years later. Highest about 1,8 meters
Post: Cristiano Ronaldo
Post: Throw some opened cans of Surstroemming in there before leaving
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