Tracy Carrier
Post: As a veteran, this hits hard!
Post: I'm a bit surprised that everything my grandparents told me about the russians is actually true ..
Post: It took me more than a minute to understand the kids were playing sports
Post: 1000km are easily enough. Could even be started from Kyiv... :)
Post: we all think on that one thing
Post: Because women are intimidated by my handsomeness
Post: "... destination : Moon or Moscow ... " kek
Post: Boahahaha... must be great to be Russian while being in Russia these days.
Post: Leave Elon alone!
Post: Can I fuck it instead ?
Post: “Marry me, you will.” says Yoda.
Post: Or the door of the past I have seen these forever
Post: Smoking kills
Post: What did actually happened, cap?
Post: Serius tanya, hubungannya UNICEF sama air minum apa?
Post: For comparison tank obstacles in Germany 80 years later. Highest about 1,8 meters
Post: If bringing to the table means being young and a virgin 9Gagers would be of the highest value....
Post: i like how the guy put him on the side after the knockout for safety
Post: Well said babuska, well said.
Post: Dayum, I wouldn't mind heating you up from the inside.
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