Walter Purdion
Post: Easy. Atlantis.
Post: Then you're an idiot.
Post: on their way
Post: Damn, this cat has a patience of a saint.
Post: W8 wasn't the other guy stuck between a car and wall?
Post: This should have had a thousand upvotes by now. This is funny af omg
Post: Because they tricked us
Post: How there are so many pro-Russians in Czech Republic?
Post: Thank god the cunts they censored the word "ass", it's offensive to some retards.
Post: Just a special copter operation, nothing to se here.
Post: Judging by how Adam Sandler looks on this photo, this kid is now a middle aged man
Post: Yes! This is actually good to see :-)
Post: Smoking kills
Post: What did actually happened, cap?
Post: Where are the prostitutes?
Post: Damn, most of his customers are chicks
Post: Stop being a bitch and get that hollywood brainwashing out of your head.
Post: What a stupid bitch.
Post: Well said babuska, well said.
Post: When somebody says a British Bird, I would imagine they'd look like this:
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