Wint Sandar
Post: His bro really saved him there. Should give him a drink afterwards. And a blowjob
Post: Well you bought him dinner ofc hes gonna give you atleast some foreplay
Post: China No contest
Post: that's kinda like telling women not to wear short skirts...
Post: Yeah no wonder they're losing the war.
Post: That would be kidnapping.
Post: no, you didn't. it's on etsy for over a decade
Post: Why should we?
Post: that's why it's called Sports'man'ship
Post: Kiilll Mee
Post: It'll be fucking abysmal
Post: I love this, I hope clowning for others is worth the pain.. haha
Post: A lot of good games. Such memories, thanks for the trip.
Post: Greeks be like: im not high but at least I got 2 more points than turkey. Big win.
Post: The netherlands be like
Post: Why he is posing with Kadyrov 34th wife ?
Post: Un pingouin c est pas un manchot....
Post: Just don't go there to simp... Enjoy the city
Post: i like how the guy put him on the side after the knockout for safety
Post: Enhanced inflation
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