wtf... I always assumed their ears are naturally like that from being a specific breed.. damn I'm stupid
are we on facebook?
Elfs are such wusses
good boy
No bad dogs, only bad people
So ppl make unnessery operation on animal to look a certain way? Why is that even allowed ....omg
Chose a Pit for the meme, interesting choice. Don't lookup (dog) murder rates by breed
Some breeds require ear / tail trimming because they're the result of years of genetic manipulation by humans and are flawed and more prone to infections or injuries, especially if the dog is used in security or fields that imply rough physical contact between the dog and another animal or human being. I don't think any sane person thinks a dog "looks cooler" with body parts trimmed out. 9 out of 10 times it's done to improve the dog's quality of life unless you're a psycho. That's why this is done when they're in their growth period, so they hurt less, heal faster and their ears don't just get trimmed the usually get a cask on them like a bandage so they grow upwards. (the idea is not to trim, it's to get to it the basic dog ear design) Don't like the practice? Stop breeding dogs that are genetically flawed because you think they're cute. Now, can you stop something humans have been doing since the dawn of time? No. Move on with your life and stop making #sadposts for attention.
Such mindless cruelty - end the practice now!
People do this to themselves all the time in the body mod community. Elf ears
I mean the human could just erase the dog then since it shouldn't exist naturally to begin with >.>
Sometimes it's medical... some dogs are really senstive to ear infection an the all ear keep it moist and is an issue to get rid of the infection
Yeah we should stop trimming pitbulls' ears. We should just fucking put them down
Go eat some soy and cry on Twitter OP
There is no way you can look tough with orthodontic braces. Also, humans do worse things to themselves to look tough.
Dogs > Humans