This is why I deleted Tinder... I ended accepting anyone in order to have any match, partly with ten year older and ugly women, just to find out that even they answer with one word answers. I mean tf?
Problem is not asking "how was your day", the problem is how the person replies to that. If they go with something like "Fine", conversation will last about 3 seconds. During the first periods of the relationship by asking how was his/her day, you ask about details and anyone who has an interest for you will tell as much detail as they can. And then those deatils will lead the conversation to another topic and talking is easy. But people who don't have interest just pass the question with a maximum two word answers and then they'll blame you for being boring. These are the people you should avoid, they're toxic
You know what? You're better of, by being ghosted by this pretentious asshole. Seriously, this is the kind of a person who goes around showing their text messege to everyone, and expecting applaud for it.
Depends what you want out of a relationship. Asking how was your day and not presenting much an answer but constantly coming back to ask, this likely means the person is just shy and is desperately just trying to get to know you in their way. The response lacks awareness of this.
litteraly me (the grey)
Good to get some constructive feedback once in a while