I use to be a tax receptionist and had a pastor “local” made almost 100000$ that year. Called the office hysterically cause he had to pay 5k$ in taxes.
I'm the most convinced atheist. I really think all religions are full of crap that are dragging us to the bottom. But sadly, faith and beliefs are a social niche. It can't stay void for most of the people. They simply replace it by something else. We can see it with the "trust the science" crowd who barely follow scientific method and think science is a fixed docta (when it's about challenging what we know to discover more). Or they replace it with new ideology (celebrity cult like Trump, political bs like wokism or hardcore teenager communism...). The issue is when political and religious power conspire together. Because then, religion is more about "controlling" people behavior than faith. But hey, I will prefer wokist and celebrity cultist over religious nutjobs everyday. It's way easier to counter soyboys and rednecks than crusaders/jihadists.
well hello there commie bot
we have a 'trend' for science nowadays, and people just wear dumb ass shirts while completely missing the point. religion doesn't hold people back, schools don't hold people back, it's just that half of the people in the world are kinda dumb and they'll misunderstand and misuse every concept and idea
The problem isn't religion or science, the problem is that world is and always has been full of stupid people. Since most people back then were religious you'd get a bigger sample of idiots from religious folks, but now the tides are evening out and their are lots of idiots now in the scientific community.
1) Untie governments from religion 2) Stop pouring taxpayer money into religion 3) Tax churches like any other business or... like casinos See where it goes from there...
Bro i am atheist but science is a double edge sword, it gave cellphones which are incredible devices but also the cause of great depression, also it gaves us nukes which is the most likely thing to destroy our society..
Nah, it would look like some dystopian cyberpunk-esque nightmare
Knowledge can't replace wisdom. The tech we have today is designed for spying and control specifically because those in charge are knowledgeable fools.
Yeah... And they gonna study gender studies there and make tons more pronouns... I'm not against science but quantity doesn't simply equal to better society, and its not correlated to religion either. It has something to do with the human quality, something they teach by parents, giving basic decency to the next generation, and then, academic institutions quantity will matter cos more productive ppl will be willing to do science. So in the end, we must deal with the ppl first. Idk what I'm writing btw, I'm just blabbering since it's 4 AM already and I can't sleep.
300 years from now Christians living in space will still preach of a carpenter one day returning to judge a planet they no longer live on.
OP doesn't know that the first to discover the sciences on which modern inventions are based was the one who founded them by Muslim scholars .. because all he knows is licking the big pen**is and showing his shitty opinions about (religions is bad) through a mobile phone invented by the intelligence of Muslim scholars !!!
Of course OP is superior
We’d find new topics to disagree upon. It is our human nature, sadly.
Noone goes there anymore anyway
Society if Islam wasn't present
more schools in the US means there'd be more violence involving children