I started to travel almost five months ago. I've been everywhere, because I thought that it would be the happiness path that I was looking for. It was not (it was not bad or anything, it was just not what I thought I needed). Yesterday I felr particularly depressed, and decided to book my flight home in the next couple of weeks after I visit some particular places. I some level, I think that the lack of excercise and not having a proper routine (day by day) fucked up the chemicals in my head. And when you go to those dark places, you have to get out as fast as possible. Do whatever you think that may make you happy. And if it does not make you happy, stop, and try something else. Just be honest to yourself.
I dislike the phrase If I can do it, anyone can. But kudos for you.
Thats a long list of made up illnesses there my friend. Are you transgender too by any chance ?
Just grow a set of balls like a man already
Omg who tf cares. Post this bullshit on facebook.
For most gers the fact that even a mental disaster can find a wife is pretty depressing. Just saying....