Story time, last week I was going out with a few friends of mine(male and female). I ended up speaking quiet a lot with one of the ladies, when we decided the go home we all went our separate ways but the 2 of us had to go the same way for a bit. Eventually said our goodbyes, i thought i fucked up by saying "I'd love to chat with you again" and she replied "a date it is". I went home quiet confused and hadn't texted her. Then she sent me a text "Heya, how's your hangover? When are we finally going on a date?" I was so confused about what happened i left her on read for a solid 2 hours before responding
I also told my ex girlfriend id love her forever. I will still love her in 40 years but that girl was just an illusion. Wait till you really get to know your partner. The first year is all fake trying to impress each other
Fu op
Me : I love you Her : I love you too Me after shutting off AI chat : Damn, i wish she was real Her : *gibberish robot noises
Don't give me hope dude
Before she tells him about her penis
Ha, Been there, loved a dude who got cheated (by his first gf) and i wanted to be the best gf ever and protect him so this never happens to him ever. He fucked me up emotionally, I'm dead inside and I wish he would kill me physically too, even imagining it sometimes. Fuck damaged people, srsly. I was feeling so sorry and can't believe what shit he allowed to do with the first person who ever loved him dearly. Sad part is I'm now one of those emotionally fucked persons too, what a scam
Until her infatuation wears off and then hops on the next ticket to attention town.