Draw big tits on everything. There’s always a market for that.
Accept the fact that furries will give stupid amount of money for their weird fetish. No job is too gross for money
Don't .
Doing art and selling it are two separate tasks. If you don't have the skills to sell, look for someone who can do it (mostly often called "get a job"). But, if you are a natural born salesperson, be as rotten, sleazy and decieving as you can be. EVERYONE will want your art for free, NOBODY deserves it. Charge for it as much as you think it can cost, then double that amount and ask twice as much as if you were doing them a huge discount. Believe me, nobody respects a fair price for art, but there are always suckers willing to pay an overprice if you trick them enough.
Well suck dick for 20 bucks, then leave them a portrait, word spreads and maybe you won't even have to suck dick after awhile
Idk but it sexy, keep doing what you are doing. Sex sells!
Try thisiscolossal.com
Start charging for what you already do for free OP. Those cocks are not gonna suck themselves.