Bro. You almost spent a big part of your life with someone throwing you to the trash bin after 20 days. What if this happened 10 years from now, while you were on a work trip? You dodged a bullet. It's fine. And it will get better.
Lads, she just texted me because she learned (not from me) I'm going there and asked to see me, of course i turned that offer down
Olde-timey ger Captain here: I'll happily buy you a pint while you're in town.
Don't post the full barcode your boarding pass. With this info, anybody can access your booking and do changes to it.
I see a Greek post , I updoot
Trust me, you wouldn't want to marry such a girl. My wife and me had long distance relationship for 3 years. You have to be willing to do it, mentally etc. We called each other every day. During the time it was hard. But looking back I can say that we were able to build a base for our relationship that is unique. Not saying i would do it again freely, but i can admit, it was worth it. What I'm saying is, a girl like her dumbing you after 20 days would have dumbed you anyway probably. You deserve better. Enjoy your trip to London, as tourist.
English girls are easy. Go nuts brutha
Ωραίος ρε μάγκα! Γαμαει το Λονδίνο , κρατά λεφτά !
Γραφτηνα στα παπάρια σου και κοίτα να περάσει καλά αδερφέ, η ζωή είναι μικρή για να στεναχωριέσαι. Καλώ ταξίδι και postare καμιά καλή φότο.
Fuck it dude. Go yolo crazy.
Enjoy the city. BTW, I heard there is a vacancy in 10 Downing Street. You might want to apply for the job.
Have a good time. Have a great time in London in any case. It's a nice city. Chin up, soldier
If she broke up with you over 20 days, she wasn’t the one.
Stick it in anything that moves. Then feel like shit when you go back home
Knew a cool dude who dated a friend of mine, he was Italian, and my friend Norwegian like me. She broke up with him, and he flew all the way to plead with her for like half a hour. Didn't accomplish Shit. The girls ain't worth it folks, long distance has to many issues, just drop it.
20 days is a long time. My ex sext me by mistake (the message was meant another woman) after five days of going to an island for work. People suck in general.
Long distance works for gamers easily tho :) after a month of dating, went long distant for couple months.. played borderlands1&2 in the meanwhile every evening pretty much. together for a decade already now :)
Dude, don't Just don't, it's not worth it !!!!RED FLAG!!!!!