On the contrary, there is often a thin line between science and crackpots, frequently in perception, but sometimes in reality as well.
Climate change does not matter
Ever wondered why the capitalists and entrepreneur fanboys always come out of their holes to tell us that things are impossible, when their whole ideology builds on telling everyone "impossible is nothing, just work hard and you will be rewarded!" But let's not go too deep into the lies of capitalism. What's funny is the denial of basic economic principles. This costs money? Where do you think that money goes? If we spend 1 trillion $ on transforming the economy, where does that go? That is 1 trillion $ for businesses and projects that people are employed to work on. It is money that pays for people's lives and makes us economically viable. Money the state spends = money the private sector receives. Econ 101. It is good for the economy to do that, especailly since we reached the limits of growth and expansion. Transformation is what keeps us wealthy. But some right wingers do not want us to be wealthy, they need us to fail to gain support...
"CLimATe ChAnGE" is merely an attempt to wealth redistribution.
Don't forget about the cost of building camps for climate deniers.
Science shows climate change is natural and humans have an insignificant impact on it.