Men will like a tree if it talks to the comparison is invalid
Opinions differ on this:
Yes and no. “Asian women” you are referring to are more interested in looking good than “western women”. While you usually see the more attractive “Asian women” and certainly don’t talk about Pakistani women or Mongolian women as two examples but more about for instance Korean women, the rule still applies. Now, which women do Asian men see? Also the more attractive western women also more of the less attractive western women. So, I’d say western men like Asian women more than Asian men like western women in my opinion.
Men will fuck just about anything feminine that will give us the time of day, and we can stand to look at so yes, i think this goes double for asian men as well. western women to them are probably considered exotic
Wester men? You mean western lumpy simps?
Ok OP, we all know you dont mean western when you write western. You mean white, and everybody like them. Most cultures have the asossiation between light skin color and health/wealth so one leads to another. You can google f.e. skin lightening bussiness in India.
Doubt it..