Heating picture depends on the amount of light the earth gets, which in winter is not much. But yeah, if you make a sunlight receptor and use it to heat the indoors air, it will be warmer inside. The cooling is just chimney effect. Hot air raises, and that creates suction that pulls air from the outside indoors. The thing is that in summer, the outside air is also hot, so you would just be pumping hot air through your house using solar energy.
It works quite well. Basic principle hot air rises and cold air stays below
Im no engineer, but i can see how it would work... Dont know if this is logic, or troll logic, though.
When my brother build his heavily insulated house he buried 20m of stiff PVC piping for cold air intake, with a door on the inlet and an outlet, on top of the house. No need for AC in summer.
Heating will work, but its more efficient to just put big windows in and let the sun shine inside. Cooling .. yeah, just draws air from outside, which is already warm in summer. You could as well open a window. A few solar panels + air conditioner will be way better.
It's not actually efficient, BUT that's people who actually try that succed... Keep going with your ideas!