like that time people complained that pennywise, an evil entity from other world....killed a gay dude
It matters because he could slay these dudes so easily, because gays had to live in a hidden wub culture. When there ever was a TV show that shows why tolerance is important, then its Dahmer. But no, better promote shows about some rich guys who have millions of fans and cry about how difficult it is to be gay in 2022.
This wasn’t a gay movie, right? I don’t get it. He was a serial killer that so happened to be gay. People are mad because he’s gay? I’m too slow for this. I give up.
The lgtbq tag here is immensely important. Dahmer used the stygma around gay man as an advantage to catch his victims. To understand why we needed to destygmatize gay people THIS is the correct series.
I love Wojak so much, he's so woke.
So its meh at best?
Show is actually woke propoganda you know that right
why the f do you caaaaare??????? f this show and the lgbq idiots, just ignore it you freak
Tags are for promotion, would you be annoyed, if there was a "violence by white men" instead of "violence" in tags. Promotion is made for positive points not negative ones.
When OP is too stupid to understand the actual context. No one complained, that Dahmer is gay.
This was done to just promote the show. This whole thing was caused by 2-3 Twitter accounts, but by removing the tag, the show got so much free marketing.
isn't that a really big part of the plot?
This series shows how this fucker got advantage on the gay environment being underground, ignored by the vast majority to slay a ton of people. The series shows how this "this is some gay shit and I don't want to have anything to do with it" way of thinking allowed him to kill a lot of people. So yeah, they should have keep the tag, as this is probably one of the few series that shows the importance of normalize gay relationships. But no..... better remove it so no one may think that gay people is capable of doing bad things. Normalize begins by accepting that in every group there is all kind of people, some of them being worse than others.
Netflix is a sad excuse for a company, imagine being ordered around by random twitter users, seriously wtf how much more pathetic can you get?
I don't know man are you just saying that gay people are bad I've never seen that series and I honestly don't watch that much television
You want lgtvfullhd characters.. enjoy it
Captain ?