You in the wrong place
It means you focus to much on other people's opinions
Do you like there photos on ig? You might just have some fake ass friends. That happened to me around 23 years old. Blink 182 was right, nobody likes you when you're 23 and you still act like your in freshman year. Any way, find something you enjoy doing and meet new friends there with shared interests.
Mate, this is why I deleted all social media. I was pretty confident but I eventually started feeling sensitive and hurt over this sort of thing. I’m soooo much happier. It was difficult at first because ppl would ask why I didn’t go to things with a “but I posted it on Facebook”. I literally had to retrain people to remember I’m not on social media. Two years later and I’m the only one who gets phone calls from people with their news. Or photos sent personally to my phone or email. Where as others get the generic feed. You gotta teach people how to treat you. So ask nicely why they don’t like your posts. Come out with it. Then you can either bring their attention to something they’re unaware of or find out you need to branch out and meet different friends. Good luck my man
They are not your friends. And they don't like you. Simple.
Means your pictures sucks
Maybe deleting Instagram for a couple months would be a healthy option for you. Counting likes and analyzing interactions like this is a red flag that it isn't contributing to your happiness. The older you get, the harder it is to maintain friendships as everybody gets busy with their own lives. You will be happier if you work on your own life and spend less time seeking affirmation from your peers.
They think you are lower than them and they want to show how superior they are. Do not share anything with them, do not reply their call or texts. Go and find some real friends. I know it is not easy but you will find true friends sooner than you expect.
You need more friends and shouldn't let what 5 people do affect your life.
why you care? Why do you post shit in the first place? People who post their daily life on social media is as stupid as the ones who keep seeing and liking random shit for no reason
It means you are not their friend.
Have you seen Dahmer? That's you!
You know what it means or you wouldn’t be asking. You are just their side kick.
I never post because my things don't get many likes. I'm not one of the cool kids. I do things because they make me happy, like learning to weld. Welding is way cooler than an instagram like.
Once you grow up, you'll understand, now you won't even if we explain it to you. But if you listen to any advice that has anyone ever gave to you may let be this one: "If someone doesn't care about me, I care even less about someone." Focus on people that you know, care about you right now and ypu don't even notice that they do.
I came to the fresh section for this BS? Bruh those aren't your friends, your family is what's important. Blood don't make you family it makes you genetically related. Care about your family not about a person who doesn't even have the mind to let you know they enjoyed viewing your image let alone would they have the mind to aide you during a time in need. THATS WHAT THE FUCK IT MEANS
Post better stuff
Accept your not their friend. Extract yourself where you're not wanted or missed. I did it, I may be lonely and miserable but at least I'm not miserable because someone treats me bad. Cries in lonely single lady.