Just because someone is in a relationship, doesn't mean it is harmonic all the time or that things can't go downhill. So being frustrated about things is, depending on the situation, quite understandable. But how would you know, with zero experience.
I've found that people not in relationships are a lot more tolerant of the expressed frustrations of those in relationships, than vice versa. People in relationships are often quick to turn their backs on people, because they have a fall-back in their relationship, so to speak.
As a friend, it's your duty to let your mates rant and blow off steam so they can go home unburdened. Every couple does this. Anyone who thinks they're the exception is kidding themselves, and anyone who believes in the perfect symbiotic relationship where there's never a disagreement or a raised voice is incredibly naive
Quit being such a soy baby... You are a man, (probably.) Start shaming them for putting up with their GFs bullshit. Mock them relentlessly. And then they will either STFU or man up... And if they break up you can scoop up their sloppy seconds like a scavenger.
This is something someone would say if they don't have any relationships. But complaining is lame, conversations about problems as men shouldn't be an issue.
Nah, sometimes you regret getting into relationships. You will understand once you get into a relationship yourself
Agree Why must the boter the singles?
Survivor bias.