On 26 September 1983 Petrov was the duty officer at the command center for the Oko nuclear early-warning system when the system reported that a missile had been launched from the United States, followed by up to five more. Petrov judged the reports to be a false alarm. His subsequent decision to disobey orders, against Soviet military protocol is credited with having prevented an erroneous retaliatory nuclear attack on the United States and its NATO allies that could have resulted in a large-scale nuclear war which could have wiped out half of the population of the countries involved.
At the early days of war I would have said "no sane officer will carry out a (potential) nuclear strike order of Poopins". Today? I don't even know... my old man, god rest his soul, used to talk a lot about "officer's honor" he and other soviet officers have followed. Seems like this honor went out of a window long time ago, unfortunately
Those who dont do anything are not often remembered. But sometimes doing nothing is the greatest thing a man could do.
Instead of all that money they spend on war, why the fuck they never do something to help their ppl. The best propaganda for a country is how their ppl live there. Russia is surely domed. Just a bigger north Korea.
Dude that saved the world
Looks like young Ceausescu!
Bandera propaganda - not particularly smart propaganda. Dr. Goebbels is ashamed of you, guys.
I knew this story and admired a man as a true cold headed hero. Right now I suppose he was just drunk as fck at the moment and asleep. He later came up with a story to justify inaction.