Most of the income comes from the sponsors. If you watch it, be that on official TV or any other means, you'll see the intended advertising and be influenced by it.
Streaming the match on internet and bashing the official sponsors of the Quatar World Cup for participating in this masquerade is a good way to start.
Pirate streams
And Qatar hate you too
Why do you hate Qatar? What Qatar has done to you that makes you hate it?
Yes! Teach them a lesson! We need more activists like you! That’ll show them!
I plan to completely ignore it as I do with all football as it's incredibly boring
Go to your local Spanish or Mexican restaurant
P2P sports, Google it
I don't care for sports, least of all soccer, but I am a big fan of piracy. Sports piracy has always been on the cutting edge, because so many resources are poured into shutting it down. I used to have some contacts that could help but they are retired or in jail. Sports sites used to last for months and now maybe a week. Rip wiziwig.
Grow the fuck up
Your government already paid for the rights to show the games. National games are always shown by the national stations. The sponsors already paid for their ads. The only way you will help to decrease their income is by not going. Eventho the a big chunk of the Seats are usually giving to sponsors, families and friends. But not showing up is the only way you have a direct impact on their revenue. If you wanna block revenue by not watching it will only impact the next editions because then rights will be sold at lower prices
i will not watch it. simple as it is.
"I really really like Nesquik, but I don't like their unethical ways of treating people in Africa, so I just steal Nesquik from my local shop"
Go to a bar. 1 TV technically counts as 1 view via their numbers. Plus the atmosphere as bars during major sporting events can only be described as "addictive". I don't even fuck with sports but I've been to multiple games just to feel the crowd.
U r too insignificant to do any real damage so don't stress over 'making them lose money'. Billions of people don't watch the world cup and it still doesn't make any difference. Watch it if u can't live without it.
the what?
You could watch the clips people post to .