I fear the only way for you is to find happiness within yourself. With or without a partner. So when you break up, you wont be shattered because the reason you're happy is gone. Easier said then done, I know. Wish you all the best.
Shit happens. You learnt a lot Have a wank. Carry on
Same… 3 years ago with 2 kids… to be honest, never been so happy to be alone, I can do whatever I want when I want and 100% of my money is for me and my children’s. I’m 50, I pound some ass from time to time but when I need love, I’ve got the unconditional of my dogs and my kids. So far, better balance that I ever had
Well, you already know the way out. You did it once, you can do it again.
Dude, keep trying, i hope you find someone worthy of your love.
Try an Asian woman next.
Rinse and repeat
You suck at being married lol
Incel spotted
How about you stop letting relationships break you like you're made of glass. Being in a relationship isn't everything or the only thing that makes you happy. The relationship should be a part of your life not your whole life.
Switch teams?
Dont make yourself dependent from people. A partner is always a plus but should not be key to happiness
you got divorced and were able to go out, working and believing in yourself. Follow the formula again. The rest, you're going to have to figure it out on your own.
Dude. Exact thing happened to me. I divorced ~11 y ago. And since I had other bad stories. I very tired about it to say the least… Anyway. If you feel like talking about it, do not hesitate. And never forget that things can change and be great in only a day.
Didn't learn your lesson the first time
Seems you have a compulsive need to be in a relationship, which is perfectly fine. Just make sure you don't fall too easily - and make sure your values align with them before doing anything that would make you feel attached to them.
Man after a while you got more to lose than to gain. The more we grow the weaker we are. So, if you didn't find the right one in the right moment (20 to 30) its better not to fool yourself and better to work on yourself and your financial and psycological stability. Love is rare, the rest is convenience.