Girl here: The bitch now feels you're more desirable since you're getting married, and it makes her fear that she missed a chance with a successful man. She'd also, deep down, want you to fail now so she can feel better about herself. A natural birth attitude. Remember this, if she actually cares about you, she should've just wished you a happy life and moved on, not try to turn your life upside down right before your wedding. Also, really happy for you, mate. You're not only getting married, but you're also dodged a bullet.
She heard you’re getting married and wants to cause some chaos….
You welcome. Right attitude.
Accept the apology and move on. Not for her sake but for yourself.
But you still suck dick
Ask her to come to your wedding then hire 2 guys for a day and give them her pic and say not to let that bitch in
I am not sure what you are looking for. Do you want me to mock you and make fun of you? Because I swear to fucking God I will.
Can i get her number?
If you'd truly be over her and in love with your new girl, then you wouldn't get mad over this, use the word 'f*ck' and post it on . You either want her back or you just want some attention
is this fckin facebook ?
Shiiiiet...had a similar situation with an ex who used me as a rebound for a few months and then checked back with her abusive psycho ex. She returned 2 years later when I was ened with my current wife. Wtf is it with them...
Not a meme, therefore downvoted.
Sounds like you got the better end. She now regrets it all as she ends up with nothing and you actually are going to marry your loved one. Focus on the future. People in the past are put there for a reason
always surprised that people feel supported by the community.
And facebook status are thing now
Considering that she cheated on you, I'm more inclined to think she's now messing with you, she most likely knows you're getting married. Best thing to do is to completely ignore her. However, I would do something else. I would tell my (future) wife everything, and mess with her back by saying that I wanna run away with her. If she was serious, she's feel disappointed. If she indeed wanted to mess with you, she'll be angry that she was the one who got played. Either way, she'll look like a fool.