Good for them. Fuck them, they didn't have a problem with the invasion of Georgia in 2008 and they have no problem with invasion of Ukraine now. Kick those fu keys to the curb and call their gestappo to come get them
For context, russia is closing its borders. So… I guess technically Georgia will close its borders to russians? Although remember that any border crossing has two sets of control/customs. This also means that if you somehow run past the russian border patrol, they will send you right back
It doesn’t matter anymore because Mad Vlad closed his borders for leaving men below 65…
Jokes on them, Russia has just banned its men from leaving the country.
Its simple - as Georgian govt doesnt want to go against Putler, they are mirroring their restriction to make sure even those who do manage to cross the border, Georgia will be able to deport them.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA The Georgians are once again imitating a "reaction". "In russian pederation men are banned from leaving the country" the military commisar of the rostov region ...blah-blah-blah
The bad thing is our puppet government only said that because putankin didn't want his men to escape.
Wait wai wait what? Its my first time hearing it. Source?
That's not kinda helping Russia?
Being against letting russians run from deployment is too often tainted with the Emotion of Revenge. But it should be about "what is most benefical to hurt the russian state". I dont know If letting them leave ist best. But atm i think so. And it's also ethical in my opinion but Well...
If only Europe did the same to militarily aged men from Ukraine. Ireland is full of them. Anyone would swear the foreign legion of Ukraine offered a 141 situation
Omg…who cares?
Nona looks bangable
Hah, jokes on you, russia alrdy closed the borders for men
Bit late, isn't it?