Meatheads are way more annoying than every actual vegetarian / vegan ive met so far
I only eat vegetarian animals, the other ones are a lot harder to catch
Ok boomer
Delicious. I can taste it with my eyes.
Ffs, you guys really sometimes forget that you are on a joke website, dont you.
Damn, a raw meat.
Now you fart.
Cows can't even fart, they belch. And your existing is even worst for the environment, so you probably should end it.
u gotta be really f-ing dumb to think that
An all meat diet is far more natural and healthy than a vegan diet.
I'm from the U.S. I heard about the concept of "meatless days" and I took that personally. I've done my best ever since to not have them. Even if it's pepperoni on a pizza. The easiest way is to just have bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.
The thing about Carbon monoxide I don't get is that it's a cycle. Cow eats plants / carbon > cow farts carbon > plants absorb carbon. So yeah animals, including humans, fart carbon gas but it's a closed cycle. Fossil fuels we digup and add them to the atmosphere. The net carbon increases in the air. But livestock are just recycling the same carbon in exchange with plants.
While I love meat, this is some next level stupid.
Its really hilarious, how non-vegetarians discriminates themselves from other non-vegetarians. And their rules and regulations only apply to others. Flesh is flesh. Whites are non-vegetarians, chinese are non-vegetarians and so does jefferey dahmer. From vegetarians point of view, all non-vegetarians are the same. They all follow the same procedures: They hunt or breed their game, they all kill them brutally, and then they ate them with no regret. Jeffrey dahmer just ate other non-vegetarians, and they put him in the jail.