Imagine the live and death desperation of OP, and the jokes that are made here in the comments. The world is so fucked up. How the hell can we help. I can only hope that all of your people rise and start a revolution. You have the momentum now, but you cannot stop. Momentum fuels revolution. Rise and keep rising!
Dear OP. You know exactly what kind of people you are dealing with. Let me say, we - the free people - are on your side. But it is not our war to fight. We can't literally do something. This time it is YOU to show the world, that you want a change. It sounds bad, but it is like it is. Please be strong, please stay strong. Cause if you want the world to notice, you will have to keep your spirit for a long time. Just as the Ukrainian did. We will not forget you. We will not forgive your Islamic regime. But we can't interfere right now. Send that to everyone you know. We want to help, but we can't. Really. Stay strong! We need to hear this month from now to interfere. If you want to make a stronger statement... Shave your heads. (it's just hair - it grows back) Nit just the women, but the men as well. If you bear up police men... Shave their hair as well. Shave off the beards. Make them understand that you are all the same... Or at least... Look the same. Stay strong.
Apart from keeping ourselves and others around us informed about the situaion, what else do you expect us to do? This is a serious question, since we all have our own problems and lives, but I would love to help in any way I can. I have the snowflake extension to help Tor users avoid censorship, is there anything else you recomend?
You have my axe!
Tell your people to read this. We can't do much but you guys need to start a god damn revolution or nothing will change. You are at war with a crazy dictator and people will die, but that can't stop you. Beat them with your brain because your dictator ain't got one.. And if you win this, vote smart or you'll be in the same shit with a different name. Now go read and gather your people.
this "be our voice" catchphrase is really not good. everybody knows what you guys are doing and we like that you guys are doing it. but intervention of the west in Iran brought you this mess in the first place.
Islamic problem we're too 1st world country to give a fuck. Sort your own religion problems. Your government is not the problem, your religion is. Your religion led to current situation. Get rid of your religion and we can talk.
No. As sad, heartbroken or angry it makes me to see such things happen, I also know it's not my problem. I'm not being an asshole, just realistic: there is literally nothing I can do to help the Iranian people. So I don't bother thinking about it.
Interviewer : So you saw the police start shooting at the masses, and what did you do? OP : I ran
No thanks. It's your mess. If we start to get involved, we'll just direct even more islamic hate towards us.
“Death to Iran” 😏
Fuck Iran... kill'em all
guys this is just some attention whore, not an actual iranian or something. he wouldnt use of all places
Faggot OP, not your personal army.
I think you have a lot of support from us... And hopefully get more and more.
why didnt you fight before ? there have been plenty of murders