Ok Deuteronomy is an OLD Testament book. This refers to an ancient practice from way back when. It may be considered part of the "Mosaic" Law, which according to Christian practices was cancelled- Something to do with a dude named Jesus, who brought in the "higher" law. So even though this might have been considered culturally acceptable back in the BCE era, does not mean it is Christian practice. One of the reasons we have the Bible is to see how the "children of God" have progressed as a people in the long term plan of God. Again, Jesus kicked a lot of those rules out of the window. Oh and there were these guys called Prophets, that helped in the process to correct bad practices that are not in compliance. So here is a classic example where people take something out of context and present it to others to be what they want to hear. (And that is just within religious history.) Just saying to clarify. But I will say, good try for funny, but no donuts for you.
At the time, I can guess rape was a lot more common than it is nowadays, and a girl who wasn't a virgin probably had a lot of problems finding a partner. So this was made to ensure that men would take responsibility if the need arose. It sure is archaic, but it was written to be a solution to a problem of the time. Just like the law of retaliation ensured vendettas wouldn't go overboard
There is not a single word about rape you dumb fuck
Make sure you have enough silver, or its equivalent, or they'll still stone you to death! "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone, but wait for the signal !..." .
aaaaaaaand another one I'm gonna block.......
I love anacronisms and dumb people, not exactly on this order
Everyone else: God didn't write the bible. You: THE WORD OF GOD