Yeah because they rather waste money on DNA kits to every stutent during economic crisis than ban guns on at least be more strict on them , anericans never stop to amaze with their retardation
Might aswell give them dogtags lmao
Fuck that. I don't think I would want to make that choice for my kid. They can decide to be a part of a government controlled DNA database when they are 18. I don't know if I agree with the premise of this action. If you have dead child run the DNA, why do you need to do it before hand.
Somehow this has to be the democrats or wokes fault right?
Pro life my ass
Just curious. How often the gun violence victims have gone in so bad shape that they have become unrecognizable? I'm smelling some other bullshittery in this
Is this the "freedom" the west is trying to defend in Ukraine?
It’s all part of the National Child ID program that has been around for about 40 years.
the united states governemnt is behind all of these shootings, purposefuly to further a agenda. it would be easier if people just had a moment of enlightenment and decided to homeschool their kids, instead of sending them to a school where theyre either being brainwashed into become transgender and worship satan or where they will be shot by some derranged MK-ultra victim
Ah yes, because school shootings and terror attacks.... Now wait a minute
Dont you think they had hurricanes and stuff in mind...not schoolshootings
God is as real as Santa Claus. Grow up
Anything but change a law that was formulated when Guns still used fucking flints.
they talked about something like this in the 80's and 90's.