Well if women are ment to stay home, cook food, watch the kids, than yes. Man are meant to provide something. I'll rather provide for my family then clean the dishes.
there's no such thing as unconditional love. dudes dont love women Unconditionally. if she doenst fuck, doenst give you the time of day. you aint gonna stay with her.. also asking how someone looks, and asking what someone does. are both retarded questions. asking how someone looks it literally asking what does yah women offer to yah taste. its lowkey key asking *is she fuckable*.. aka what does she provide to for you sexually.
If women are loved based on their looks, how is that unconditional? Next time, try to filter information, op. Not just post it because it sounds good and resonates with your insecurities.
wellllllllll 2 out of 3....
Slap incoming