Get another job and get another girl and you’ll be fine. Don’t sweat over it you beautiful stallion.
Pull yourself out of it bro. Why not do an online course or something. Start with how to space words on a post. Hope you get back on your feet soon.
Hey OP, don't listen to random idiots here who will shoot answers in the dark when they know nothing about your full situation. Go ask an actual therapist.
Hey bro, yes. You should be depressed when these things happen. It would be strange otherwise. It sucks. But for your own sake, don't crawl too long in the deep hole. Set small and achievable goals. Work on yourself. Turn it around, be the captain of your own life yada yada yada. Fuck bitches get money
Don't waste unnecessary time on . You wont find a solution here, maybe temporary solace. Lose social media and concentrate on what are your real options. What kind of job you can do and what is the job market in your country. That's the first thing you can do: find a job. Regarding your ex, no idea what you can do, but time heals everything. Some time in the future, you won't even remember her face
It's most likely not depression of you started to feel like this after things happened. It's life ramming its 40cm dong down your throat. It's bad luck and feeling bad for shitty life situations, depression doesn't care about that, you can have a wonderful life and be depressed.
That's not a haiku
You don't.
Don't confuse sadness with depression. You're rightfully sad because life is handing you lemons right now. It'll pass. Depression is sadness even if your life is going alright.
Depressed people don't post shit on . You're just a cunt.
They're always in the last place you look
you are just sad and stressed, go out and move on with your life. depression is when you feel like shit even while having a gf and a job
Heal your mind, understand what happened without getting too emotional, go to see a doctor whithout feeling a even little bit ashamed cause in few weeks or month you can recorver quickly and reaching a point when you tell yourself " man, it was less harder than I thought in fact"
Losing your job and a relationship make you sad. It's depression if you're still feeling the same after a few months even if you have a new job... Sadness is not depression
Good for you!
Good for you.