You are the reason why employers win the race to the bottom. Demand pay for the job you do. You boss is not helping you out of some situation, you are the one making him and his investors rich af, dumbass So here is the tip and it's serious: Do your best. After a six or nine months or so, call in sick. You'll learn just how valuable you are either when you call in sick or the second day when your boss inquires on when you can get back to work again. You next round of salary negotiations don't be an idiot, instead you have experience on your resume now and can apply at a company where they treat (pay) you as a human being
As an IT Senior Engineer I must say you'll fit right in! Don't worry, almost none of IT Security Officers know their job. It is mainly clerk work but require some certifications for better pay grade.
1000$, are you Indian
accept the job and learn it later
Wouldn't get out of bed for anything less than 1800 euro, in my country you get paid 1500 euro a month if you don't have a job ( lately it gradually becomes less and less but it used to be the same amount endlessy)...
Have you tried turning it off and on again.?
The fuck is IT officer?
If you can google you ll be fine, signed a BI engineer. But that salary would not be enough North Korea, you are being exploited. Take the job and keep looking for a better one, don't be afraid to change after three weeks if needed. Good luck.
congrats! just take it 1 step at a time, you probably have someone to teach you there. if nobody is around to teach you then you're gonna have a hard time. but you'll get used to it. eventually
Fake it till you make it
Pretty much do more interviews and see if something pays you more or you actually like better
Do some mock interviews with your parents, friends etc