That’s the neat part about your life, you decide wich people on your side or not. I cut also so much toxic waste from my life and now I enjoy the simple things.
You could have fucked his mom, just as retribution and she would thank you for it. You should learn from porn and hentai
One of the best things I learnt in my life is that I don't need to be friends with shit people just because they're the ones I know Made lots of new friends Life turned around to be awesome after that
Silent OP means Rebecca
When people treat me bad I don't say they're my friends...i avoid them
How did your friend treat you like shit? I assume if his mum is calling an old friend for him then she’s very worried. Did he treat you so poorly to point where you can’t have a coffee with the guy and just listen to him for a few hours?
so how did she get your number ? i want to know now
Good, man. You've moved on and meeting them now will reopen old wounds, as well as give them the chance to downplay what they did in an effort to give the self closure. They don't deserve any closure.
He was obviously having problems back then as well, that why he treated you so badly.
I had a "friend" like that. Life chooses can lead to a lonely future. Be nice and the world will mirror you. Be an ass you that's what you get back.
*Wall of text* *Irrelevant background image* *Wall of text*
Man you're a one fucking petty prick ya know?
How old were you when they were mean? I have no grudge against people that were mean to me when I was 12: we were kids. If you were 16+, you should reflect on how much is on you for tolerating that treatment. The fact they forced you to grow a pair probably saved you from a lifetime of abuse. Still, it's up to you. But if the story is true and you can help your former "buddy", there's still an opportunity to grow right there. To me the story isn't coherent though. I can think of noone's mom who'd call me 10+ years after the fact because her kid is mental. Oh and more importantly, "how did she get your number?!"
spelling, do you do it? also, you a bad human.
Just giving you some perspective OP: People that bully and treat others like shit are usually very insecure, commonly more insecure than their victims. He might have never had that confidence that you built up to walk away. Usually bullies are very regretful when they grow up and eventually fully understand what they did to others. Not trying to defend that behavior whatsoever, just stating what history has shown over and over again. His mom probably reached out because of desperation. He probably wasn’t the best friend yo many people, so he’s there suffering from that now. The easiest thing would be to say: let him, he deserved it. But that’s also the wrong and inhumane thing to do. You are the bigger man today, maybe even because of going through this. Every hardship and every suffering has positive side effects, no matter how you slice it. You have the power and are in control of your actions, he probably doesn’t have that anymore or maybe never did. You’re gonna feel better if
another one bites the dust
I'd end "well, maybe it would be easier if his mother wasn't such a bitch"