Man I sure love how the Morte crisis revealed all the problems with the trading of debt on the stock market and how banks learned their lesson from it, right...
you miss understood the whole movie.. go watch it again and pay attention to the actual movie not just the short explication to stupid people
Simple shit
The lower half is merely and extention of the upper half and not an opposition.
debt long preceded currency.
Serious question: I lent my friend 500 Euro. Took him 9 months to pay it back. The duration wasn't the problem but the need from my end to remind him time and time again. Not often, just every other month. And also, never the full amount, I'd text something like "Hey, if you're financial alright, do you mind returning 100 Euro for now?" Question: What are your thoughts on this scenario?
Maybe where you live that's how it works. Sucks, man.
False. The debt stays the same. You just owe to someone money. If there is a secondary market on the loans/assets/collaterals doesn't affect your debt per se. However, it might affect an economy as a whole when/if the ponzi scheme collapses.
Don’t get the problem, you still owe the money to the person or organization that gave it to you.
The nose is too small
Yes, that's how the bond market works. It's like the stock market, except instead of betting on a company's profitability, you're betting on the credit worthiness of the debtors.
Lol pretty much. Like my morte was done through one company but as soon as we signed the documents it was sold off to another morte company.
LOL jew deleted the comments that were calling out the jew scum
needs to get rid of a lot of antisemitic comments apparently…
you can do it ?