He looks pretty devastated and sad.... I would too i guess in his situation. Thats just a freaking joke from russian fascist regime..
Dude looks to be on the verge of tears. You'd be too if you knew you're almost guaranteed to die in 2 days.
IS 1st tank regime part of 1st army core of Russia ? The Army Core that was made to counter NATO offensive ?
So...they're sending civilians to fight soldiers. I kind of want to feel bad for Russians but, megh.
Step1: Kill your commander Step2: Surrender Step3: Stay alive
I would stick a big stick with a white flag on it on the tank , the barrel would point on backwards on the Russian lines , and just drive to the Ukrainian lines hoping not to get shot...here is another tank.
Not a surprise there
Kinda crazy that just last year, this guy was *probably* just like the rest of us. Working a job, browsing the internet for memes, gaming and watching shows, maybe even have his own family too. And now he's on a conveyor belt heading straight for the meat grinder front lines. This dude may very well die in the next few days. I feel nothing for the Russian army right now. They started this whole shitshow all because Pootin told them so. But for the ones who truly never wanted war in the first place and got forced to be part of it, those are the one who I feel sorry for.
Well, I guess Putin want a bloodbath and redirect all the anger to NATO to justify nuclear strike.
I know it is tough on individual basis. But collectively Russians deserve this. Almost any other normal nation would rebel and overthrow their overlords. Russians? They won't. So the exploitation will continue. And Russians as a nation do not mind genocide of Ukrainians at all, they just mind how much tougher than expected it is.
Is it starting to click for them, that they are just meat to delay the inevitable for the fuckface who ran off to his bunker?
Official response by Kremlin
I wish you a quick and clean death Ivan. Be sure to visit Putler in the afterlife when you see him to tell him how you feel about all this.
This man is not in tears because he is afraid to die day after tomorrow, no, he is broken by the betrayal of his country. Here in Europe many lead one leader, there in northern Asia one person leads everyone. This is an important distinction.
couple more days and they will have to make "vroom vroom" noises with their mouths to pretend they are in a tank at this rate.