Stop being introvert, get handsome and cure autism Easy
I have autism, I learned by copying people in films etc, I am quite good at it, but I am acting. It is not natural for me to socialise for fun. I feel for you people wanting friends, I want to be left alone most of the time.
Maybe don't introduce yourself as boring ugly and autistic
Have a goal, be the best at studying, art, your work. Spend most of your time perfecting that craft. That will give you the confidence to do the rest
Find people who dont care if you are a little odd. May take a while but is worth it. Also i doubt you are truly boring. I never met anyone who had no interests, hobbies or whatever to talk about. It's just very hard to get to know people
Stay alone, humanity is shit.
Don't be a cat
Find a social activity that you enjoy doing, and then join a group already doing that activity. There are loads of people just like you, just as introverted and shy as you, to meet. You don't have to socialize every day or be the life of the party, just one day a week, participate in the group activity for an hour or two. And keep doing it, week after week, for a few months. You'll soon see that it's not as scary as you are making it out to be. And before you know it, you'll have actual friends.
Autist are the most annoying faggot to deal with, you retard expect everyone to understand you. Just stay in your room.
find more friends on , you'll fit right in
Hangt ook van je leeftijd van. Hoe oud ben je? En heb je NMLK geprobeerd? Een app met uitjes met toekomstige vrienden.
Try to open up with ppl u know, start with the little things. U will need to forgive them a lot cause they don't understand, talk honest to them and control a few feelings like anger or fear. Good friends are hard to find and easy to lose. Wish you the best.
Find some others like yourself. If you have a hobby or interest, find some way to get together with others who share it, that way you don't have to do the awkward "getting to know you" phase - just dive right into discussion of the hobby. Much of my personal friend group is from a group I found online of fans of an author. We began by discussing the books and the ideas in them, and some of us became friends.
In many cases Autism is a reflection of greater intelligence and the ability to learn, understand and be great at things others find difficult. Pick up a guitar brother. There's no better way to be appreciated by guys or girls than being able to play their favorite songs. Bands, groups, bars and clubs all need a guitarist...
learn humor, don't whine , be autistic about something you like not in general
Go to the gym and get buffed.
Get hella drunk and hope someone finds you fun enough. Or just be an handsome extrovert that has cured autism
Friends are overrated