We’ll there’s a king now. His majesty maintains the right to get pregnant and spawn as many British as he wants. Just like Loretta…
The chosen worker will be the next queen...
Don't worry Charles will try to impregnate every 14 year old girl he sees.
Colonization of your average shithole
The queen has not laid eggs for a long time. You should be more worried that the Epstein Connection has blown up, where most of the children were last made by royals.
The king will morph into a queen due to the pheromones released by the queenless palace. Did you not pay attention in biology class?
To solve this problem the king will soon identify as the queen !!! #peace#genderbender
if i remember correctly from biology british royalty functions similar to the clownfish: When the sole female in a group dies, the largest male, which is also the only breeding male, develops into a female to replace the one that has been lost. The largest non-breeding male will then take his place as the breeding male and all other non-breeding males will move up a place in the hierarchy.