She the bottom line is that you don’t understand it, so it must be wrong… How about writing your own research paper about how they should do it correctly?
Oh look, its the invisible cunt, trying to look smart..
If infinite universes or parallel realities exist, where is the mass of these universes? Even if you can't see it, in order for it to exist, it has to be tangible.
Yeah, I'm not reading that. I'm happy for you though, or sad.
Susy particles never showed up so stringbtheory is dead, but JasNynE particle are possible abd so the rope theory might hold water.
But at the same time that’s the beauty of science, complex scenario’s that are currently poorly understood are continuously improved upon until we find a model that best describes it, until we break it again.
Never heard of someone saying "the energy is gone to another universe" but rather "the energy is gone to another dimension. But hey I'm justa talking dog on the internet.