Hear me out , since we are able to made a big statues like liberty statue kinda big , why dont we made a simmilarly sized sculpture shaped like a shark or some fucked up scp creature and then just throws it to the ocean , just wait a few months and then boom , instant trend amongst diver and conspiracy theorist
Heather West
Crystal Morris
Amy Owens Burbol
Ajay C. Arellano
Jana Patrick
Azura Ena Rhosyn
Ashley Salazar
Willam Tonelli
Emmie Lou
Merouane Mimou Maskri
Maggie Hart
Sulaimon Shukroh Modupehorlaa
Dianne Marsters
Tammy Louise Irwin
Jackie Fitch
Mailynn D. Tadena
Stephen William Gatkoi
Elizabeth Patterson
Chyna Dolly