There was so many ways to get the card off the ground without spending such a long time. She could have slid her card near the uneven crack (big gap there) and use that to her advantage. Or she could've used her 2nd hand but she chose to clutch her purse... Even her nail could've been useful but anyway, it's mostly her own skills that's the problem lol. When women choose those fugly nails, you can tell they probably don't do much work around.
That's not a nail problem. That's a problem with stupidity. The whole point of even having a nail is to be able to pick things up situations like this to begin with.
As a girl i fell under the peer pressure to at least once give these stupid nails a go. Couldn’t close my pants after the toilet properly, took me ages. I hated the sound of them on the keyboard. You touch your touchscreen like an idiot. Washed dishes like an idiot. Took them off after a couple of hours and wonder to this day why in the hell anyone would put themselves through this nightmare for an extend period of time.
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