Some random dude suddenly shook my hand because I was talking with my friends in a queue about my fav character from guilty gear
I was having a pint after a long gig in a neighboring city in a fairly quiet but crowded bar and a bunch of the typical d&d oriented guys were sitting a few tables over and one of them pointed discreetly over at me and nodded to their friends when I was just going to sit down and all of them tried to turn their heads to look at me but also not trying to look obvious, which is when I thought that my clothes must've been dusty/dirty for them to notice and mock amongst themselves but all of them smiled a bit and showed me their thumbs up. I then realized that I had my black hoodie on which in red text at the front said "Blood for the Blood God" and that they were probably fellow 40k fans but more hardcore at it than I am. I ordered them a round for the recognition. Kinda cringy I know but it was nice to have that sort of an interaction in a random bar with some random people. Nice lads.
I don't know why it's a rumor that introverts don't like company, I personaly can spend a full day with a person, just not a lot of people at once and the most important part it has to he a person that I WANT to talk to, be it a stranger or a friend
When he ears all the bullshit that been said
Well....yeah. kinda
Introverts are the new gluten free crowd or vegans. Can't go 30 seconds without telling everyone around them, especially complete strangers, that they are introverts. Ironic when you think about it.
Me when someone says that: not liking the series of the rings of power has nothing to do with Tolkien fans being racist
Been there, they call me freak
My boyfriend doesn't like nerdy stuff, the most nerdy thing he does is playing apex legends with me. He invited me to a party with his friends and i was extremly terrified as i am an introvert nerd. thank god one guy started talking about marvel, lord of the rings, the boys and harry potter. God bless his soul
I get that way when I smell brownies cooking at my house.