Those activists are funny af. I gotta wonder do - what if one of them like fell and somehow ended up being ran over, who would be to blame? Would the driver be fucked?
Fucking retards
In my country - if the vehicle is damaged by a pedestrian who is illegally on the road - the pedestrian has to pay reparations. No penalty if he is injured why being illegally on the roadway.
That's why I like Indians we throw rocks on politicians', cricketers', celebrities' houses instead of harming other regular people doing their job
"Activist in Switzerland" - when your life is so perfect and you have zero problems, you have to create imaginary ones.
That people this stupid is allowed out on the streets baffles me. They are an embarrassment to both their generation and to the green movement. Running them over would increase the average IQ of the world anyway...
It is very funny how the climate activists also block the Tesla. It’s always about the fossile fuels so shouldn’t he get the ‘nah maybe you can pass’?