Remember Tesla Roadster? It's been 5 years since working prototype and even more in development and they still haven't made a single one
With the teslas bullshitting day coming up I can’t wait for the goldmine of videos Thunderfoot’s going to get out of it
Musk is talking so much irrational shit just to gain clicks. Good to see people are finally seeing past his fasade.
It doesnt fly in hurricanes, it use the wind power to run a special integrated windmill that boost 500 times the car power
Musk manipulates idiots, I think the fact he's so rich shows hiw many idiots are out there
As long as you don’t actually release it it can be anything
Teslas are for nerds
Coffin from a n64 game?
Dogg? Is that guy supposed to be a nigga or what?
By making a public statement about his product, if any damages occur to the vehicle because it does not work according to the statement, he is extremely liable
Many cars can swim. Not many can move while floating around tho.
Well, you know, every statement is true about the elements of the empty set. And, the cybertruck does not exist. So, it might as well be waterproof.
My fiance learned about the Musk houses and he really wants one. He showed me a video all excitedly about how cheap and awesome they are but I have my doubts. It sounds nice in theory but I'm sure there's a catch. In Musk's world we will live in a Musk house and drive a tesla and use the internet from starlink.