Meanwhile, IRS: the half of $500 belongs to the government
Still better than nothing or giving him a few years in prison by tracking the lost cash down and falsely accusing him of being the one who stole it.
Does USA have set prcentage of found item value that the guy should get? If not then I see nothing clown about it... he is lucky to get more than pat on the back. In my country law says that if you find something then you are owed 10% of its value. So here he would get 13,5K You could say that you live in a clown country though...
To whom did this belong? Who carries that much cash around except criminals?
you mean 13500 reported in the book ?
Nah here the rules is Finders keepers
.... I have seen no country for old men.... and I still would have kept the money... would have checked that shit real close for tracking devices and stuff like that, but would have kept it for sure.
What’s clown about it?
What the fuck do you mean clown world? kid returned the money, which is the right thing to do. Who knows what the money is for paying employees, or for paying medical bill, we also don't know how hard the owner gathered it. The world will be a clown world if everyone is a retarded dishonest thief like you OP
Realistically it should sit in the station for 2 weeks if noone claims it he gets it in full but he just got robbed by the police and gave him 500 dollars so he cant sue them
In Czech Republic you would get 10% by the law.
Imagine keeping the cash and then you get nailed to the ceiling by the cartel.
It's called being honest, which is apparently worthless to people nowadays. You'll rob banks if there wasn't a law against it
Just how stupid is he? : YES
If you need to be rewarded for doing the right thing, you are not a good person.
Getting a 500$ and not going to jail for theft if he kept the money? That is anything but clown world. The kid has 500$ for free. Do you have 500$ for nothing OP? No? Then suck a dick to earn the money.
Wouldn't have been me tho