Meanwhile the Chinese " Elon Musk must pay for this. He believes too much in freedom and west's freedom of speech".
I guess the China has common thought policies as ex USSRs.
Some poor guy in Kiew spent the whole day photoshopping this shit only to earn the same amount of money his sister, who „studies“ in Berlin, earns sucking dick under a bridge within only five minutes.
Nancey Ali
Maria Vallejo
Malcolm King
Santos Ferrer Ytzehr
Kaye Hughes
Sanjay Duhlani
Jamillah Al-amin Fuller
Aviona Lopez
Jennifer Long
Ami Skinner
Juvelyn Licaros
Adora A. Wada
Neko Kawaii
Toni M Johnston
Amy Owens Burbol
Richie Cameron Gomez
Ruby Mejia
Majaccount Khichi
Michael Catuiza