Tear this Bridge down!
The Bridge needs to stand in order to expell all russian collaborators and traitors
Destroying that bridge won't be easy at all. You should check out some analysis on that bridge. Ukraine would need some very fucking heavy explosives to take even a single span of that bridge down. They can't use Plane yet in that area and HIMARS ammunition currently available is not enough to put a big hole.
But with F22 raptors
I think the master plan is that Ukraine drives Russians from Kherson to Crimea. And after they backed from Kherson you cut the bridge to Russia. Bum. They are trapped again. And russia can not use ships or planes because Ukranian rockets. That would be a big catch. Also. If Russia uses Nuke in Ukraine, west will blow the shit out of russial naval bases, ships and crimean bridge.
there's a reason ukraine dont need and dont want to attack kerch bridges. look at a fucking map and imagine what happens when kherson is liberated.
That bridge has no significance and would take so much high valued munitions it's not worth it breaking the land bridge is the current goal and wasting anything in that bridge goes against that goal.
@gigipiero 20 bucks that an attack on that bridge will be retaliated with a tactical nuke
Don't worry you'll get a message soon enough
That would be a war crime.
Just drop some anti vehicle mines on it with drones and move to more valuable targets.
Shortsighted. Its levwrage as long as it exist. It will get destroyed when it needs to be destroyed.
Maybe it just looks fragile but in my opinion some artillery salves should make it impassable. Not completely destroy it but at least it would take time and equipment to pass again. And if you gonna see someone trying to repair it you already have the coordinates.